Ladies and gents, let's face it, South Africans love their bakkies, aka pick-ups.
The local bakkie market has always done well and will always do well, as South Africans we need working vehicles that can withstand our rough road conditions, offering drivers luxurious cabins and muscle to match for carrying those workloads and towing those loads.
Local is lekker right?
Why not support our local vehicle manufacturing workforce and buy locally made when purchasing again? Have you considered which brands are manufactured where? Look local, we have some really amazing bakkies on offer.
Manufactured in Rosslyn, Pretoria. Nissan
South Africa are in the process of expansion with massive cash injection to have the next generation
Navara locally manufactured too, becoming a supply hub for the local market and other African countries.
Locally manufactured in Durban, Mahindra have also hinted towards a future with South Africa being a hub for more sourcing, manufacturing and exporting to other African countries, great for local growth!
Have you ever noticed how many old Isuzu bakkies you still see on the roads? In late 2018 Isuzu renamed its local bakkie portfolio to the "D-Max" range, also receiving massive cash injection for further production plans. Great things are to come from this brand, keep an eye out for future releases.
Engine production takes place in Port Elizabeth and final assembly in Silverton, Pretoria.
Much loved by us locals for many years, the Ford Ranger
has seen much improvement over recent years, competing and highly
placing in unit sales year on year. After 2019 Q1 sales reports the Ranger took 2nd place by a mere 220 units, losing to the Hilux.
Yes, the top selling bakkie on our roads is manufactured locally.
The first Hilux's arrived on our shores in 1969 and have since been the benchmark for reliability, durability and
bang for your buck. Sadly the overall look of the Toyota Hilux
has not changed much in recent years except for a facelift late in 2018.
Hopefully we will see a meaner sleeker version out in the near future keeping the look modern and fresh.