Maintaining a car can sometimes be quite expensive. Why not save costs on the things you can control?
When you buy a repossessed car it will already save you some money. Here are some more basic tips you can use to save even more after buying a repossessed vehicle.
1. Make sure that your tyre pressure is correct according to your car’s specs.
When your tyres are under-inflated, more resistance will be created and you will use more fuel. Furthermore, your tyres will get worn out more easily which means that you will have to replace tyres more often. This can also become a safety risk. Ask to have your tyres checked every time you fill up.
2. Only use your air conditioner when it is absolutely necessary.
Driving with your windows down is more fuel efficient than driving with the air conditioner on. You can save even more fuel by driving without the air conditioner and your windows up.
3. Changing gears on 2500rpm for a petrol vehicle and 2000rpm for a diesel vehicle.
This will reduce your fuel consumption. It will also protect your transmission and reduce the CO2 emissions!
When making use of these tips, you will save even more money on top of buying a repossessed vehicle. Be sure to try these and see the difference for yourself.